SEO is the process of optimizing your web pages so that search engines can quickly find out what your website is all about. There are so many articles and webmasters talk about SEO techniques, web design site promotion, seo content, link building, and so on. We know there are 2 types of optimization: on page optimization and off page optimization. Important things about on page Optimization are:
The page Title should include ONLY our main keywords. The least amount of words you use, the more weight Google will give to reach of the keywords and the higher you will rank. The body text is the text on your web page that can be seen by people in their web browsers. It does not include HTML commands, comments, etc. The more visible text there is on a web page, the more a search engine can index. The body text of a web page is very important to search engines. For a successful Search Engine Optimization approach, take into contemplation that search engines look at content and also at the structure of the markup. They accentuate the importance of text content, page titles, keywords rich text,
Analyze your log files and see who refers to you the most. Try to find more similar sites. The referral information also reveals the keywords used to find your site. Often you find new keywords that you haven't thought of when targeting your site. By using those newly discovered keywords you can create more content that targets the unexpected traffic even better. Including links to social bookmaking services, like,,, etc. (there are hundreds of those now and their number is growing) will allow your visitors to submit your site's links to those services in one click (e.g., see some of those at the end of this article). However most (all?) of those sites implement the link attribute. Do not include invisible text. One can create invisible text by choosing the font color which is the same as of the background, putting the text at the very bottom of the page, so that the visitor won't see it, and other ways. Pager as it was last crawled by Google. On the page, you will notice that the search term you were looking for is highlighted as many times as it appears in the page. Try many different key word phrases. You will see the same results over and over again. Search Yahoo and MSN and look at the cached results also. They have similar indexing characteristics. Take notes and see how it is done. You may be surprised how easy it is to get listed in the searches.